
Prospective international students

TU Clausthal has been one of Germany’s most international universities for a good many years. This is partly due to the large proportion of our students who come from abroad, around 30 percent of the student body. On campus, in lecture halls and labs, in student housing, at parties, and at organized events, globalization is not just something students learn about – we are part of it.

In such a conducive environment, international students quickly find their feet in Clausthal and at the university. TU Clausthal’s intimate size ensures that communication between students, professors, and junior research staff is close and plentiful, which guarantees that everyone can get the personalized support they need. The numerous international clubs give students from, for example, China or Cameroon an easy way to find compatriots to talk to. You can also build ties to German and non-German students and improve your language skills by taking part in tandem programs.

How to apply as a prospective international student (through the IZC)

If you are interested in embarking on full-time study, a semester abroad, an industrial placement, or a German course at TU Clausthal, the IZC – our International Center – will be happy to tell you about the many different ways you can make that happen.


Projekt: Wege ins Studium

Ziel des Projektes ist es, Personen mit Migrationshintergrund, die Interesse an einem Studium haben, bei einer bewussten Entscheidung für ein Studium im MINT Bereich (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik) zu helfen. Weiterhin werden die angehenden Studierenden beim Einstieg in das Studium an der TU Clausthal unterstützt um so den Weg für einen erfolgreichen Abschluss zu gestalten.

International Center Clausthal (IZC)

The IZC is your key port of call for all international matters and language skills.


Application Team

Room: 15 and 16
Graupenstraße 11
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Phone: +49 5323 72-3267 oder +49 5323 72-3105
Fax: +49 5323 72-3939

Office hours:
Mo - Th 10:30 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm