Industrial placement

Industrial placements

There is a significant purpose behind the requirement for industrial placements. They give students an opportunity to gain fundamental insights and skills in relation to the inner workings of a company and a chance to familiarize themselves with the assignments and workflows that are standard in the different areas of a business.

An industrial placement is required by various degree programs in the natural sciences, engineering, business administration, and economics, intended as a complement to your university studies. You will find exact details about how many weeks the placement needs to be for each particular degree program in the relevant regulations (see the legal basis box on the program description page). Some degree programs require you to complete part of your placement before starting your first semester. The regulations for each degree program contain details on these pre-study internships too.

You will find everything you need to know about industrial placements themselves, as well as links to the TU Clausthal industrial placement regulations, on the web pages of the Industrial Placements Office. There you will also find an exact list specifying how many weeks of industrial placement each degree program requires.


Internship office

Advice on internship matters, placement and recognition of industrial internships, internship certificates for presentation in the company, advice/delivery of internship report, advice on promoting EU internships abroad with Erasmus+, career portal for students and graduates, questions about applications

Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2a
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Phone: +49 5323 72-2554

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